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07 Bayesian

Probability And Naïve Bayes

Kindly go through Bayes' Theorem in Probability and Statistics

Bayesian Network

Represents the dependence between variables

  • Nodes - represents variables
  • Links - X points to Y, implies X has direct influence over Y or X is a parent of Y
  • CPT - each node has a conditional probability distribution which determines the effect of the parent on that node

Joint Probability Distribution

\(P(X_i|X_{i-1},........., X_1) = P(X_i |Parents(X_i ))\)

Independence in BN

\(X {\perp \!\!\! \perp} Y | Z\) is read as \(X\) is conditionally independent of \(Y\) given \(Z\)

  1. Casual chains

  graph LR;
In such a configuration, A is guaranteed to be independent of C given B

  1. Common Cause
  graph TD;

In such a configuration, A is guaranteed to be independent of C given B

  1. Common effect
  graph TD;

In such a configuration, A is guaranteed to be independent of B.
But A and B are not independent given C.

Active Triples

  graph LR;
    A((" "))-->B((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));
  graph TD;
    B((" "))-->A((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));
  graph TD;
    A((" "))-->C((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));
    style C fill : #808080
  graph TD;
    A((" "))-->C((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));
    C((" "))-.->D((" "))
    style D fill : #808080

Inactive Triples

  graph LR;
    A((" "))-->B((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));
    style B fill : #808080
  graph TD;
    B((" "))-->A((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));
    style B fill : #808080
  graph TD;
    A((" "))-->C((" "));
    B((" "))-->C((" "));

NOTE : All possible configurations for active and inactive triples are listed above

Notes on d-seperation and variable elimination need to be added

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
