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Learning Experience \(E\)

Goal of Experience

  1. Learning/Inference

  2. Obtain the Sample CEF which closely matches the Population CEF


  3. Obtain the Sample Conditional Distribution which closely matches the Population Conditional Distribution

  4. Prediction/Decision

  5. Making prediction of \(y\) based on the learning

Learning Types

Prediction Estimation of unseen data
Modelling Characterization
How do inputs affect output
Optimization What input values produce desired outputs (both mean and variance)
Control How to adjust controlled inputs to maximize control of outputs
Causal inference

Use ML models for developing structural models, and then let the structural models to make the predictions, not the ML models

  • Why: Black swans can be predicted by theory, even if they cannot be predicted by ML
  • How: Use a non-parametric ML to identify important variables and then develop a parametric structural form model.

Learning Methods

Method Meaning Application
Supervised Uses labelled data, to derive a mapping between input examples and target variable.
Unsupervised Learning from unlabelled data
Semi-Supervised \(\exists\) labelled data and large amount of unlabelled data.
Label the unlabelled data using the labelled data.

For example, love is labelled as emotion, but lovely isn’t

Cotraining, Semi-Supervised SVM
Lazy/Instance-Based Store the training examples instead of training explicit description of the target function.

Output of the learning algorithm for a new instance not only depends on it, but also on its neighbors.

The best algorithm is KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor) Algorithm.

Useful for recommender system.
Learning system is allowed to choose the data from which it learns.
There exists a human annotator.

Useful for gene expression/cancer classification
Multiple Instance Weakly supervised learning where training instances are arranged in sets.
Each set has a label, but the instances don’t
Transfer Reuse a pre-trained model as the starting point for a model on a new related task
Reinforcement Learning
Learning in realtime, from experience of interacting in the environment, without any fixed input dataset.
It is similar to a kid learning from experience.

Best algorithm is Q-Learning algorithm.
Game playing
Bayesian Learning Conditional-probabilistic learning tool
Each observed training expmle can incrementally inc/dec the estimated probability that a hypothesis is correct.

Useful when there is chance of false positive.
For eg: Covid +ve
Multi-Layered ANNs Computer Vision
Distributed Privacy

Types of Learners

They are not adapted by the ML algo itself, but we can use nested learning, where other algorithms optimize the hyperparameter for the ML algo.

Eager Learner Lazy Learner
Training Learns relationship between class label & attributes Stores training records
Evaluation Perform computations to classify evaluation record
Training Speed Slow Fast
Evaluation Speed Fast Slow
Example - Decision Tree
- Rule-Based Classifier
- Nearest-neighbor classifier
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
