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Training Process

flowchart LR
i[Initialize θ] -->
j[Calculate cost function] -->
a{Acceptable?} -->
|Yes| stop([Stop])

a -->
|No| change[Update θ] -->

Optimization Parameters

Objective Function

An objective function has a unique global minimum if it is

  • differentiable
  • convex


Hard Constraints and Bounds

Useful if you know the underlying systematic differential equation

$$ \text{DE} = 0 $$ Refer to PINNs for more information

When it is not possible to use a discontinuous hard constraint/bound (such as \(\beta \ge k\)), you can add a barrier function to the cost function $$ J' = J + B $$ where \(B\) can be

  • Exponential barrier: \(\pm \exp \{ m (\beta - k) \}\)
  • where \(m=\) barrier coefficient


Soft Constraints: Regularization

Encourages (not guaranteed) certain parameters to end in range values, through penalizing deviation from prior/preferred values

Weights Initialization Algorithm

  • Zero (bad)
  • Random
  • Glorot (Xavier)
Optimizer Meaning Comment Gradient-Free Weight Update Rule
Advantages Disadvantages
L-BGFS Newton’s method
Nelder-Mead Simplex method
(Batch Gradient Descent)
Update weights after viewing the entire dataset: \(n\) sample points Guaranteed convergence to local minimum Computationally-expensive for large dataset
Prone to getting stuck at non-optimal local minima for non-convex cost functions
(Stochastic Gradient Descent)
Update weights after viewing every sample point \(w_t - \eta g(w_t)\) Faster updates
Better escapes local minima
May not converge to global minima for non-convex cost functions
Noisy/Oscillating/Erratic convergence
(Mini-Batch Gradient Descent)
Update weights after viewing the \(b\) sample points, where \(b < n\)

Usually \(b=32\)
Middle ground between BGD and SGD
Generalizes better than Adam
(GD + Momentum)
\(w_t + v_{t+1}\)
\(v_{t+1} = \rho v_t - \eta g(w_t)\)
\(v_{t+1} = \rho v_t - \eta g(w_t + \rho v_t)\)
(GD + Momentum + Acceleration)
Decreases the momentum for each parameter, based on how much that parameter has made progress
Can only decrease the moment
\(w_{i, t+1} = w_{i, t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\epsilon + \sqrt{v_{i, t+1}}} g(w_{i, t})^2\) \(v_{i, t+1} = v_{i, t} + g(w_{i, t})^2\)
\(\epsilon > 0\)
RMSProp Keeps a memory of previous gradients
Can increase/decrease the moment
\(w_{t+1} = w_{i, t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\epsilon + \sqrt{v_{t+1}}} g(w_{t})^2\)
\(v_{t+1} = \beta v_{t} + (1-\beta) g(w_t)^2\)
\(\epsilon > 0, \beta \in [0, 1]\)
(Adaptive Moment Estimation)
\(w_{t+1} = w_{t} - \dfrac{\eta}{\epsilon + \sqrt{\hat v_{t+1}}} \hat m_{t+1}\)
\(\hat m_{t+1} = \dfrac{m_{t+1}}{1-{\beta_1}^{t+1}}\)
\(m_{t+1} = \beta_1 m_t + (1-\beta_1) g(w_t)\)
\(\hat v_{t+1} = \dfrac{v_{t+1}}{1-{\beta_2}^{t+1}}\)
\(v_{t+1} = \beta_2 v_t + (1-\beta_2) g(w_t)^2\)

\(\epsilon > 0; \beta_1, \beta_2 \in [0, 1]\)

Gradient Descent

Similar to trial and error

  1. Start with some \(\theta\) vector
  2. Keep changing \(\theta_0, \theta_1, \dots, \theta_n\) using derivative of cost function, until minimum for \(J(\theta)\) is obtained - Simultaneously
\[ \theta_{\text{new}} = \theta_{\text{prev}} - \eta \ {\nabla J} \]
\(\theta_{\text{new}}\) Coefficients obtained from current iteration
(Output of current iteration)
\(\theta_{\text{old}}\) Coefficients obtained from previous iteration
(Output of previous iteration)
\(\eta\) Learning Rate
\(\nabla J\) Gradient vector of \(J (\theta)\)

Learning Rate \(\eta\)

\(0 < \eta < 1\)

  • Large value may lead to underfitting/overfitting
  • Small value will lead to more time taken

Can be

  • constant
  • time-based decay


Iterative vs Normal Equation

Iterative Normal Equation
\(\alpha\) not required
Feature scaling not required
Time Complexity \(O(kn^2)\) \(O(n^3)\)
Performance Fast even for large \(n\) Slow if \(n > 10^4\)
Compatibility Works for all algorithms Doesn’t work for classification
No of features Works for all algorithms Doesn't work when \(X^TX\) is non-invertible
Stop criteria - \(J(\theta) \le \text{Cost Threshold}\)
- \(n_{\text{iter}} \ge \text{Iter Threshold}\)

Gradient-based methods find min of a function by identifying the direction in which the function’s slope is rising the most steeply, and then moving in the opposite direction.

Speed Up Training

  • Subsetting
  • Feature-scaling
  • Pruning
  • Good Weight initialization
  • Good Activation functions
  • Transfer learning: Re-use parts of pre-trained network
  • Using mini-batch updates
  • Learning rate scheduling
  • Faster optimization algorithm
  • Use GPU/TPU


  1. Sample Size
  2. Mini-Batch
  3. Stochastic
  4. Input Features

You can do either

  • drop with both approaches
  • Bagging with each sub-model using the subset

Feature Scaling

Helps to speed up gradient descent by making it easier for the algorithm to reach minimum faster

Get every feature to approx \(-1 \le x_i \le 1\) range

Atleast try to get \(-3 \le x_i \le 3\) or \(-\frac13 \le x_i \le \frac13\)


\[ \begin{aligned} x'_i &= z_i \\ &= \frac{ x_i - \bar x }{s} \end{aligned} \]

Batch Normalization

Convex Function

Convex function is one where $$ \begin{aligned} f(\alpha x + \beta y) &\le \alpha f(x) + \beta f(y) \ \alpha + \beta &= 1; \alpha, \beta \ge 0 \end{aligned} $$

Robust Optimization



  • Parameters must be independent
  • Cannot handle equality constraints
  • Hard to estimate min and max value of parameter
  • Method is extremely conservative
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
