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The ability of trained model to be able to perform well on unseen data. Better validation result \(\implies\) Better generalization

The generalization gap (error difference b/w seen and unseen data) should be small

The more models you try, the worse your generalization wrt that data due to increase in \(\vert H \vert\) as \(H = \bigcup_i H_i\) where \(H_i\) is the \(H\) for each model. This is the essence behind importance of train-dev-val-test split

Note: Always try to overfit with a very small sample and then focus on generalization

Distribution mismatch: Train and Dev errors are low, but validation error is high

Error Decomposition

Bias Variance Distribution Mismatch Bayes’ Error
Indicates Inaccuracy Imprecision Data Sampling Issue Unavoidable error
Meaning Proximity of prediction is to true values Amount by which \(\hat y\) would change for different training data
Implication Underfitting Overfitting
Denotation \(E[\hat y] - y\) \(\text{Var}(\hat y) = E \Bigg[ \ \Big(E[\hat y] - \hat y \ \Big)^2 \Bigg]\)
Estimated through Train Error - Desired Error Dev error - Train Error Validation Error - Dev Error Desired Error
Reason for estimation In-sample performance Difference between in-sample and out-sample performance
\[ \text{MSE}_\text{out} = \text{Bias}^2 + \text{Variance} + \text{Dist Mis} + \text{Bayes Error} \]

Prediction Bias & Variance

We want low value of both

If a measurement is biased, the estimate will include a constant systematic error



Scenarios Conclusion
Desired Error < Train Error Underfitting/
Train Error \(\approx\) Test Error \(\approx\) Desired Error
Train Error < Test Error < Desired Error
Train Error << Test Error
Train Error < Desired Error < Test Error

Fitting & Capacity

We can control the fitting of a model, by changing hypothesis space, and hence changing its capacity

Under-fitting Appropriate-Fitting Over-Fitting
Capacity Low Appropriate Low
Bias ⬆️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Variance ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬆️
Steps to
Increase model complexity
Increase training data
Remove noise from data
Inc no of features
More training data
Feature Reduction
Early Stopping


The capacity of a model increases with increased degree of polynomial

Generalization Bound


  • \(E_\text{in} =\) error on seen train data
  • \(E_\text{test} =\) error on unseen test data
  • \(E_\text{out} =\) theoretical error on the unseen population
  • \(\vert h \vert =\) complexity of hypothesis
  • \(\vert H \vert =\) complexity of hypothesis set

For binary predictor \(f\)

Hoeffding’s Inequality

\[ \begin{aligned} P( \vert E_\text{out} - E_\text{test} \vert > \epsilon) & \le \sum_{i=1}^{\vert H \vert} P( \vert E_\text{out}(h_i) - E_\text{in}(h_i) \vert > \epsilon) \\ & \le {\vert H \vert} \cdot 2 e^{-2 n \epsilon^2}\\ & \le \delta \\ \implies \vert E_\text{out} - E_\text{in} \vert &\le \epsilon \\ \text{ with probability } P( \vert E_\text{out} - E_\text{in} \vert &\le \epsilon) \in [1-\delta, 1] \\ \\ \text{where } \delta &= 2 {\vert H \vert} e^{-2 n \epsilon^2} \\ \epsilon &= \sqrt{ \dfrac{1}{2n} \ln \left\vert \dfrac{2{\vert H \vert}}{\delta} \right\vert } \end{aligned} \]

Vapnik-Chervonenkis Inequality

\[ \begin{aligned} P( \vert E_\text{out} - E_\text{in} \vert > \epsilon) & \le \delta \\ \implies \vert E_\text{out} - E_\text{in} \vert &\le \epsilon \\ \text{ with probability } P( \vert E_\text{out} - E_\text{in} \vert &\le \epsilon) \in [1-\delta, 1] \\ \\ \text{where } \delta &= 4 \cdot m_h(2n) \cdot e^{\frac{-1}{8} \epsilon^2 n} \\ \epsilon &= \sqrt{\dfrac{8}{n} \ln \left \vert \dfrac{4 \cdot m_h(2n)}{\delta} \right \vert } \\ m_h(n) &\le \begin{cases} n^{d_{vc}(H)}+1 \\ \left( \dfrac{ne}{d_{vc}(H)}\right) ^{d_{vc}(H)}, & n \ge d_{vc}(H) \end{cases} \end{aligned} \]

For test data, \(\vert H \vert = 1\), as it is not biased and we do not choose a hypothesis that looks good on it. $$ \text{Generalization Gap} = O \left( \sqrt{\dfrac{d_{vc}}{n} \ln n} \right) $$




\[ \begin{aligned} \vert H \vert &= \sum_i \vert h_i \vert \\ d_\text{vc} (H) &= \sum_i d_\text{vc} (h_i) \end{aligned} \]

The VC dimension of a hypothesis set is the sum of VC dimension of all the hypotheses in that set

Sauer’s Lemma

\[ d_\text{vc} (H) < \infty \implies m_H(n) \le \sum_{i=0}^{d_\text{vc}(H)} \begin{pmatrix} N \\ i \end{pmatrix} \]


When \(k\) is very large, then the \(\vert H \vert\) gets very large and hence, generalization becomes very poor

Curse of Dimensionality

Training Size

Generalization improves with size of training set, until a saturation point, after which it stops improving.

More data \(\implies\)
Parametric asymptote to an error value exceeding Bayes error
Non-Parametric better generalization until best possible error is achieved

Bias-Variance Tradeoff

Usually U-Shaped

Each additional parameter adds the same amount of variance \(\sigma^2/n\), regardless of whether its true coefficient is large or small (or zero). $$ \begin{aligned} \text{Variance} &= \sigma^2 \left[ \dfrac{1+k}{n} + 1 \right] \ & \approx O(k) \end{aligned} $$ Hence, we can reduce variance by shrinking small coefficients to zero


When using feature selection/LASSO regularization, stop one standard deviation > the optimal point, as even though bias has increased by a small amount, variance can be decreased a lot


Generalization Bound vs Generalization Gap

Generalization Gap Generalization Bound
Associated with Model
- Bias
- Variance
Testing method
- Test Set Size
- No of trials
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
