Model Evaluation¶
- Minimize bias
- Minimize variance
- Minimize generalization gap
- Always check if your model is able to learn from a synthetic dataset where you know the underlying data-generating process
- Always evaluate model with different random seeds to ensure accurate result
- Group by random seed and check for discrepancies
- Metrics computed from test set may not be representative of the true population
- Always look at multiple metrics; never trust a single one alone
- false positives and false negatives are seldom equivalent
- understand the problem to known the right tradeoff
- Always monitor the worst-case prediction
- Maximum loss
- 95th percentile loss
Baseline/Benchark models¶
Always establish a baseline
- Basic/Naive/Dummy predictions
- Regression
- Mean
- Max
- Min
- Random
- Classification
- Mode
- Random
- Time series specific
- Persistence
- \(\hat y_{t+h} = y_t\)
- Latest value available
- Great for short horizons
- Climatology
- \(\hat y_{t+h} = \bar y_{i \le t}\)
- Average of all observations until present
- Great for short horizons
- Combination of Persistence and Climatology
- \(\hat y_{t+h} = \beta_1 y_t + \beta_2 \bar y_{i \le t}\)
- Lag: \(\hat y_{t+h} = y_{t-k}\)
- Seasonal Lag: \(\hat y_{t+h} = y_{t+h-m}\)
- Moving average
- Exponential average
- Human Level Performance
- Literature Review
- Performance of older system
All the evaluation should be performed relative to the baseline.
For eg: Relative RMSE = RMSE(model)/RMSE(baseline), with “good” threshold as 1
Probabilistic Evaluation¶
Now, we need to see if any difference in accuracy across models/hyperparameters is statistically-significant, or just a matter of chance - Try different seeds and see the range; this range is purely due to randomness
Summary Statistics: Don’t just look at the mean evaluation metric of the multiple splits; also get the uncertainty associated with the validation process.
It is invalid to use a standard hypothesis test - such as a T-test - across the different folds of a cross-validation, as the runs are not independent. - It is acceptable for a fixed test set - Std obtained in model performance from cross-validation is standard error of mean estimate - Std obtained in model performance from cross-validation is standard error of mean estimate - True standard deviation is no of folds x SE
Hence, treat the metrics across the folds as a a distribution - For regression: chi squared - For classification: binomial
- Standard error of accuracy estimate
- Standard deviation
- Quantiles
- VaR
Bessel’s Correction¶
- where
- \(n=\) no of samples
- \(k=\) no of parameters
- \(e=\) no of intermediate estimates (such as \(\bar x\) for variance)
- Do not perform this on metrics which are already corrected for degree of freedom (such as \(R^2_\text{adj}\))
- Modify accordingly for squares/root metrics
Regression Evaluation¶
Metric | Formula | Unit | Range | Preferred Value | Signifies | Advantages ✅ | Disadvantages ❌ | Comment |
\(R^2\) (Coefficient of Determination) | \(1 - \text{RSE}\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | \(1\) | Proportion of changes in dependent var explained by regressors. Proportion of variance in \(y\) explained by model wrt variance explained by mean Demonstrates ___ of regressors - Relevance - Power - Importance | Cannot use to compare same model on different samples, as it depends on variance of sample Susceptible to spurious regression, as it increases automatically when increasing predictors | ||
Adjusted \(R^2\) | \(1 - \left[\dfrac{(n-1)}{(n-k-1)} (1-R^2)\right]\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | \(1\) | Penalizes large number of predictors | |||
Accuracy | \(100 - \text{MAPE}\) | % | \([0, 100]\) | \(100 \%\) | ||||
\(\chi^2_\text{reduced}\) | \(\dfrac{\chi^2}{n-k} = \dfrac{1}{n-k}\sum \left( u_i/\sigma_i \right)^2\) | \([0, \infty]\) | \(1\) | \(\approx 1:\) Good fit \(\gg 1:\) Underfit/Low variance estimate \(\ll 1:\) Overfit/High variance estimate | ||||
Spearman’s Correlation | \(\dfrac{ r(\ rg( \hat y), rg(y) \ ) }{ \sigma(\ rg(\hat y) \ ) \cdot \sigma( \ rg(y) \ ) }\) | Unitless | \([-1, 1]\) | \(1\) | Very robust against outliers Invariant under monotone transformations of \(y\) | |||
DW (Durbin-Watson Stat) | \(> 2\) | Confidence of error term being random process | Not appropriate when \(k>n\) | Similar to \(t\) or \(z\) value If \(R^2 >\) DW Statistic, there is Spurious Regression | ||||
AIC Akaike Information Criterion | \(-2 \ln L + 2k\) | \(0\) | Leave-one-out cross validation score | Penalizes predictors more heavily than \(R_\text{adj}^2\) | For small values of \(n\), selects too many predictors Not appropriate when \(k>n\) | |||
AIC Corrected | \(\text{AIC} + \dfrac{2k(k+1)}{n-k-1}\) | \(0\) | Encourages feature selection | |||||
BIC/SBIC/SC (Schwarz’s Bayesian Information Criterion) | \(-2 \ln L + k \ln n\) | \(0\) | Penalizes predictors more heavily than AIC | |||||
HQIC Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion | \(-2 \ln L + 2k \ln \vert \ln n \vert\) | \(0\) | ||||||
Calibration | ![]() | |||||||
Sharpness | ![]() |
Probabilistic Evaluation¶
You can model the error such as MAE as a \(\chi^2\) distribution with dof = \(n-k\)
The uncertainty can be obtained from the distribution
Spurious Regression¶
Misleading statistical evidence of a relationship that does not truly exist
Occurs when we perform regression between
- 2 independent variables
- 2 non-stationary variables
(Refer econometrics)
You may get high \(R^2\) and \(t\) values, but \(u_t\) is not white noise (it is non-stationary)
\(\sigma^2_u\) becomes infinite as we go further in time
Classification Evaluation¶
There is always a tradeoff b/w specificity and sensitivity
Metric | Formula | Preferred Value | Unit | Range | Meaning |
Entropy of each classification | \(H_i = -\sum \hat y \ln \hat y\) | \(\downarrow\) | \([0, \infty)\) | Uncertainty in a single classification | |
Mean Entropy | \(H_i = -\sum \hat y \ln \hat y\) | Uncertainty in classification of entire dataset | |||
Accuracy | \(1 - \text{Error}\) \(\dfrac{\text{TP + TN}}{\text{TP + FP + TN + FN}}\) | \(\uparrow\) | % | \([0, 100]\) | \(\dfrac{\text{No of Correct Predictions}}{\text{Total no of predictions}}\) |
Error | \(\dfrac{\text{FP + FN}}{\text{TP + FP + TN + FN}}\) | \([0, 1]\) | \(\downarrow\) | \(\dfrac{\text{Wrong Predictions}}{\text{No of predictions}}\) | |
F Score F1 Score F-Measure | \(\dfrac{2}{\dfrac{1}{\text{Precision}} + \dfrac{1}{\text{Recall}}}\) \(2 \times \dfrac{P \times R}{P + R}\) | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Harmonic mean between precision and recall Close to lower value |
ROC-AUC Receiver-Operator Characteristics-Area Under Curve | Sensitivity vs (1-Specificity) = (1-FNR) vs FPR | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | AUC = Probability that algo ranks a +ve over a -ve Robust to unbalanced dataset |
Precision PPV/ Positive Predictive Value | \(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}} + \text{FP}}\) | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Indicates how many +ve predictions were correct predictions |
Recall Sensitivity True Positive Rate | \(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}} + \text{FN}}\) | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Out of actual +ve values, how many were correctly predicted as +ve |
Specificity True Negative Rate | \(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}} + \text{FP}}\) | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Out of actual -ve values, how many were correctly predicted as -ve |
NPV Negative Predictive Value | \(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}} + \text{FN}}\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Out of actual -ve values, how many were correctly predicted as -ve | |
\(F_\beta\) Score | \(\dfrac{(1 + \beta^2)}{{\beta^2}} \times \dfrac{P \times R}{P + R}\) | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | [0, 1] | Balance between importance of precision/recall |
FP Rate | \(\begin{aligned}\alpha &= \dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FP}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FP}} + \text{TN}} \\ &= 1 - \text{Specificity} \end{aligned}\) | \(\downarrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Out of the actual -ve, how many were misclassified as Positive |
FN Rate | \(\begin{aligned}\beta &= \dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FN}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FN}} + \text{TP}} \\ &= 1 - \text{Sensitivity} \end{aligned}\) | \(\downarrow\) | Unitless | \([0, 1]\) | Out of the actual +ve, how many were misclassified as Negative |
Balanced Accuracy | \(\frac{\text{Sensitivity + Specificity}}2{}\) | Unitless | |||
MCC Mathews Correlation Coefficient | \(\dfrac{\text{TP} \cdot \text{TN} - \text{FP}\cdot \text{FN} }{\sqrt{(\text{TP}+\text{FP})(\text{TP}+\text{FN})(\text{TN}+\text{FP})(\text{TN}+\text{FN})}}\) | \(\uparrow\) | Unitless | \([-1, 1]\) | 1 = perfect classification 0 = random classification -1 = perfect misclassification |
Markdedness | PPV + NPV - 1 | ||||
Brier Score Scaled | |||||
Nagelkerke’s \(R^2\) | |||||
Hosmer-Lemeshow Test | Calibration: agreement b/w obs and predicted |
Graph | Preferred | ||
Error Rate | ![]() | ||
ROC Curve | ![]() | How does the classifier compare to a classifier that predicts randomly with \(p=\text{TPR}\) How well model can discriminate between \(y=0\) and \(y=1\) | Top-Left At least higher than 45deg line |
Calibration Graph | ![]() | Create bins of different predicted probabilities Calculate the fraction of \(y=1\) for each bin Confidence intervals (more uncertainty for bins with fewer samples) Histogram showing fraction of samples in each bin | Along 45deg line |
Confusion Probabilities | ![]() |
Tradeoff for Threshold¶
Probabilistic Evaluation¶
For simple metrics that rely on counting successes, such as accuracy, sensitivity, PPV, NPV - the sampling distribution can be deduced from a binomial law - uncertainty via Proportion Testing
- \(n=\) Validation set size
- = \(\sum \limits_i^k n_\text{fold}\)
- \(\hat p =\) Average Accuracy of classifier = Estimated proportion
- \(= \dfrac{1}{k} \sum \limits_i^k \text{Accuracy}_\text{fold}\)
Decision Boundary¶
Plot random distribution of values
For eg:
Confusion Matrix¶
\(n \times n\) matrix, where \(n\) is the number of classes
Binary Classification¶
Multi-Class Classification¶
Confusion Matrix with respect to A
A | B | C | |
A | TP | FN | FN |
B | FP | TN | TN |
C | FP | TN | TN |
Classification Accuracy Measures¶
Jacquard Index¶
Multi-Class Averaging¶
Micro-Average | All samples equally contribute to average | \(\dfrac{1}{C}\sum_{c=1}^C \dfrac{\dots}{\dots}\) |
Macro-Average | All classes equally contribute to average | \(\dfrac{\sum_{c=1}^C \dots}{\sum_{c=1}^C \dots}\) |
Weighted-Average | Each class’ contribution to average is weighted by its size | \(\sum_{c=1}^C \dfrac{n_c}{n} \dfrac{\dots}{\dots}\) |
Inspection | Identify |
Error Analysis | Systematic errors |
Bias-Variance Analysis | General errors |
Error Analysis¶
Residual Inspection
Perform all the inspection on
- train and dev data
- externally-studentized residuals, to correct for leverage
There should be no explainable unsystematic component
- Symmetric distribution for values of error terms for a given value \(x\)
- Not over time/different values of \(x\)
- This means that
- you have used up all the possible factors
- \(u_i\) only contains the non-systematic component
Ensure | Meaning | Numerical | Graphical | Implication if violated | Action if violated |
Random residuals | - No relationship between error and independent variables - No relationship between error and predictions - If there is correlation, \(\exists\) unexplained system component | Normality test \(E(a \vert b) = 0\) \(r(a, b) = 0\) \(\text{MI}(a, b) = 0\) \(a \in [u, \vert u \vert , u^2, \log \vert u \vert]\) \(b \in [ c, \vert c \vert , c^2, \log \vert c \vert]\) \(c \in [x_j, y, \hat y]\) | Q-Q Plot Histogram Parallel coordinates plot | ❌ Unbiased parameters | Fix model misspecification |
No autocorrelation | - Random sequence of residuals should bounce between +ve and -ve according to a binomial distribution - Too many/few bounces may mean that sequence is not random No autocorrelation between \(u_i\) and \(u_j\) | \(r(u_i, u_j \vert x_i, x_j )=0\) Runs test DW Test | Sequence Plot of \(u_i\) vs \(t\) Lag Plot of \(u_i\) vs \(u_j\) | ✅ Parameters remain unbiased ❌ MSE estimate will be lower than true residual variance Properties of error terms in presence of \(AR(1)\) autocorrelation - \(E[u_i]=0\) - \(\text{var}(u_i)= \sigma^2/(1-\rho^2)\) - \(r(u_i, u_{i-p}) = \rho^p \text{var}(u_i) = \rho^p \sigma^2/(1-\rho^2)\) | Fix model misspecification Incorporate trend Incorporate lag (last resort) Autocorrelation analysis |
No effect of outliers | Outlier removal/adjustment | ||||
Low leverage & influence of each point | Data transformation | ||||
Homoscedasticity (Constant variance) | \(\sigma^2 (u_i \vert x_i) = \text{constant}\) should be same \(\forall i\) | Weighted regression | |||
Error in input variables | Total regression | ||||
Correct model specification | Model building | ||||
Goodness of fit | - MLE Percentiles - Kolmogorov Smirnov | ||||
Significance in difference in residuals for models/baselines | Ensure that all the models are truly different, or is the conclusion that one model is performing better than another due to chance | Comparing Samples |
Why is this important?¶
For eg: Running OLS on Anscombe’s quartet gives
- same curve fit for all
- Same \(R^2\), RMSE, standard errors for coefficients for all
But clearly the fit is not equally optimal
- Only the first one is acceptable
- Model misspecification
- Outlier
- Leverage
which is shown in the residual plot
Aggregated Inspection¶
- Aggregate the data based on metadata
- Evaluate metrics on groups
where \(g()\) is the group, which can be \(x_{ij}, y_i\) or combination of these
- Image blurry/flipped/mislabelled
- Gender
- Age
- Age & Gender
Diebold-Mariano Test¶
Determine whether predictions of 2 models are significantly different
Basically the same as Comparing Samples for residuals
Bias-Variance Analysis¶
Evaluation Curves¶
Related to Interpretation
- Always look at all curves with uncertainties wrt each epoch, train, hyper-parameter value.
- The uncertainty in-sample and out-sample should also be similar
- If train set metric uncertainty is small and test set metric uncertainty is large, this is bad even if the average loss metric is same
Learning Curve | Loss Curve | Validation Curve | |
Loss vs | Train Size | Epochs | Hyper-parameter value |
Comment | Train Error increases with train size, because model overfits small train datasets | ||
Purpose: Detect | Bias Variance Utility of adding more data | Optimization problems Undertraining Overtraining | Model Complexity Optimal Hyperparameters |
No retraining | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
No extra computation | ❌ | ✅ | ❌ |
Speed up | If this takes too long, don't evaluate loss/accuracy every epoch - train_eval_every : saving results- dev_eval_every : forward pass, saving results |
Learning Curve¶
Based on the slope of the curves, determine if adding more data will help
Conclusion | |
![]() | High Bias (Underfitting) |
![]() | High Variance (Overfitting) |
![]() | High Bias High Variance |
Loss Curve¶
Same Model, Variable Learning Rate¶
Validation Curve¶
Neural Network Distributions¶
Recommended Value | ||
Activation forward-pass distributions | \(N(0, 1)\) | |
Activation gradient distributions | \(N(0, 1)\) | |
Parameter forward-pass weight distributions | \(N(0, 1)\) | |
Parameter gradient distributions | \(N(0, 1)\) | |
Parameter gradient std:weights magnitude std | \(1\) | |
Parameter update std:weights magnitude std | \(10^{-3}\) |
- Saturation
- Exploding
Example Plot¶
Object Detection¶
Metric | Range | Preferred Value | |
mAP mean Average Precision | Mean of Average precision across each class | \([0, 1]\) | \(1\) |
IOU Intersection Over Union | \(\frac{\text{Area}(T \cap P)}{\text{Area}(T \cup P)}\) - True bounding box = \(T\) - Proposed bounding box = \(P\) | \([0, 1]\) | \(1\) \(> 0.9\) Excellent \(> 0.7\) Good o.w: Poor |