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Model Evaluation


  1. Minimize bias
  2. Minimize variance
  3. Minimize generalization gap


  • Metrics computed from validation set may not be representative of the true population
  • Never trust a single summary metric
  • Always look at all the individual metrics
  • false positives and false negatives are seldom equivalent
  • understand the problem to known the right tradeoff

Model Selection

  1. Fit multiple models \(g_i\) on the training data
  2. Use interval validation data for hyper parameter tuning of each model \(g_i\)
  3. Use external validation data for model selection and obtain \(g^*\)
  4. Combine the training and validation data. Refit \(g^*\) on this set to obtain \(g^{**}\)
  5. Assess the performance of \(g^{**}\) on the test data

Finally, train \(g^{**}\) on the entire data to obtain \(\hat f\)


Always establish a baseline

  • Basic/Naive/Dummy predictions
  • Regression

    • Mean
    • Max
    • Min
  • Classification

    • Most frequent value
    • Random
  • Time series specific

    • Lag/Seasonal Lag
    • Last value available
  • Human Level Performance

  • Literature Review
  • Performance of older system


All the evaluation should be performed relative to the baseline.

For eg: Relative RMSE = RMSE(model)/RMSE(baseline), with “good” threshold as 1

Probabilistic Evaluation

Now, we need to see if any increase or decrease in accuracy due to hyper-parameter tuning is statistically-significant, or just a matter of chance.

Regression Evaluation

Metric Formula Unit Range Preferred Value Signifies Advantages
(Coefficient of Determination)
\(1 - \text{RSE}\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) \(1\) Proportion of changes in dependent var explained by regressors.

Proportion of variance in \(y\) explained by model wrt variance explained by mean

Demonstrates ___ of regressors
- Relevance
- Power
- Importance
Cannot use to compare same model on different samples, as it depends on variance of sample

Susceptible to spurious regression, as it increases automatically when increasing predictors
Adjusted \(R^2\) \(1 - \left[\dfrac{(1-R^2)(n-1)}{(n-k-1)}\right]\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) \(1\) Penalizes large number of predictors
Accuracy \(100 - \text{MAPE}\) % \([0, 100]\) \(100 \%\)
\(\sum \left( \dfrac{u_i}{\sigma_i^2} \right)^2\) \(0\)
Spearman’s Correlation \(\dfrac{ \text{Cov}(\ rg( \hat y), rg(y) \ ) }{ \sigma(\ rg(\hat y) \ ) \cdot \sigma( \ rg(y) \ ) }\) Unitless \([-1, 1]\) \(1\) Very robust against outliers
Invariant under monotone transformations of \(y\)
(Durbin-Watson Stat)
\(> 2\) Confidence of error term being random process Not appropriate when \(k>n\) Similar to \(t\) or \(z\) value
If \(R^2 >\) DW Statistic, there is Spurious Regression
Akaike Information Criterion
\(-2 \ln L + 2k\) \(0\) Leave-one-out cross validation score Penalizes predictors more heavily than \(R_\text{adj}^2\) For small values of \(n\), selects too many predictors

Not appropriate when \(k>n\)
AIC Corrected \(\text{AIC} + \dfrac{2k(k+1)}{n-k-1}\) \(0\) Encourages feature selection
(Schwarz’s Bayesian Information Criterion)
\(-2 \ln L + k \ln n\) \(0\) Penalizes predictors more heavily than AIC
Hannan-Quinn Information Criterion
\(-2 \ln L + 2k \ln \vert \ln n \vert\) \(0\)
\[ \begin{aligned} -2 \ln L &= n + n \ln(\text{MSE}) + n \ln (2 \pi) + \sum \ln w_i \\ &\approx n \ln(\text{MSE}) \end{aligned} \]
\(\chi^2_\text{reduced} = \dfrac{\chi^2}{n-k}\) Meaning
\(\approx 1\) Good Fit
\(>>1\) Under-fitting
\(<<1\) Over-fitting

The reason this works is because, here \(\chi^2\) is just sum of normally-distributed error terms

Probabilistic Evaluation

You can model the error such as MAE as a \(\chi^2\) distribution with dof = \(n-k\)

The uncertainty can be obtained from the distribution

Spurious Regression

Misleading statistical evidence of a relationship that does not truly exist

Occurs when we perform regression between

  • 2 independent variables


  • 2 non-stationary variables

(Refer econometrics)

You may get high \(R^2\) and \(t\) values, but \(u_t\) is not white noise (it is non-stationary)

Variance of error term becomes infinite as we go further in time

Classification Evaluation

Metric Formula Preferred Value Unit Range Meaning
Entropy of each classification \(H_i = -\sum \hat y \ln \hat y\) \(\downarrow\) \([0, \infty)\) Uncertainty in a single classification
Mean Entropy \(H_i = -\sum \hat y \ln \hat y\) Uncertainty in classification of entire dataset
Accuracy \(1 - \text{Error}\)
\(\dfrac{\text{TP + TN}}{\text{TP + FP + TN + FN}}\)
\(\uparrow\) % \([0, 100]\) \(\dfrac{\text{Correct Predictions}}{\text{No of predictions}}\)
Error \(\dfrac{\text{FP + FN}}{\text{TP + FP + TN + FN}}\) \([0, 1]\) \(\downarrow\) \(\dfrac{\text{Wrong Predictions}}{\text{No of predictions}}\)
F Score
F1 Score
\(2 \times \dfrac{P \times R}{P + R}\) \(\uparrow\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) Harmonic mean between precision and recall
Close to lower value
Receiver-Operator Characteristics-Area Under Curve
Sensitivity vs (1-Specificity)
= (1-FNR) vs FPR
Larger AUC
Curve hugs the top left corner
High sensitivity, high specificity
Unitless \([0, 1]\) How does the classifier compare to a classifier that predicts randomly
How well model can discriminate between \(y=0\) and \(y=1\)
True Positive Rate
\(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}} + \text{FN}}\) \(\uparrow\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) How many actual +ve values were correctly predicted as +ve
Positive Predictive Value
\(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TP}} + \text{FP}}\) \(\uparrow\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) Out of actual +ve values, how many were correctly predicted as +ve
True Negative Rate
\(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}} + \text{FP}}\) \(\uparrow\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) Out of actual -ve values, how many were correctly predicted as -ve
Negative Predictive Value
\(\dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{TN}} + \text{FN}}\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) Out of actual -ve values, how many were correctly predicted as -ve
\(F_\beta\) Score \(\dfrac{(1 + \beta^2)}{{\beta^2}} \times \dfrac{P \times R}{P + R}\) \(\uparrow\) Unitless [0, 1] Balance between importance of precision/recall
FP Rate \(\begin{aligned}\alpha &= \dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FP}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FP}} + \text{TN}} \\ &= 1 - \text{Specificity} \end{aligned}\) \(\downarrow\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) Out of the actual -ve, how many were misclassified as Positive
FN Rate \(\begin{aligned}\beta &= \dfrac{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FN}}}{\textcolor{hotpink}{\text{FN}} + \text{TP}} \\ &= 1 - \text{Sensitivity} \end{aligned}\) \(\downarrow\) Unitless \([0, 1]\) Out of the actual +ve, how many were misclassified as Negative
Balance Accuracy \(\frac{\text{Sensitivity + Specificity}}2{}\) Unitless
Mathews Correlation Coefficient
\(\dfrac{\text{TP} \cdot \text{TN} - \text{FP}\cdot \text{FN} }{\sqrt{(\text{TP}+\text{FP})(\text{TP}+\text{FN})(\text{TN}+\text{FP})(\text{TN}+\text{FN})}}\) \(\uparrow\) Unitless \([-1, 1]\) 1 = perfect classification
0 = random classification
-1 = perfect misclassification
Markdedness PPV + NPV - 1
Brier Score Scaled
Nagelkerke’s \(R^2\)
Hosmer-Lemeshow Test Calibration: agreement b/w obs and predicted


Graph Preferred
ROC Curve roc_curve As high as possible
At least higher than 45deg line
Calibration Graph image-20240320153822010 Along 45deg line

Probabilistic Evaluation

You can model accuracy as a binomial distribution with

  • \(n=\) Validation set size
  • = No of predictions
  • = No of k folds * Validation Set Size
  • \(p=\) Obtained Accuracy of classifier

The uncertainty can be obtained from the distribution


for n in [100, 1_000, 10_000, 100_000]:
  dist = stats.binom(n, 0.7)

  alpha = 0.025

  interval_width = dist.isf(alpha) - dist.isf(1-0.975)
  print(f"Size: {interval_width/n * 100}")
  # returns alpha % of observed accuracy that fall outside the inverval --> This is the maximum further accuracy that is theoretically achievable

Confusion Matrix

\(n \times n\) matrix, where \(n\) is the number of classes

Binary Classification


Multi-Class Classification

Confusion Matrix with respect to A


Classifcation Accuracy Measures

Jacquard Index

\[ \begin{aligned} J(y, \hat y) &= \frac{|y \cap \hat y|}{|y \cup \hat y|} \\ &= \frac{|y \cap \hat y|}{|y| + |\hat y| - |y \cap \hat y|} \end{aligned} \]

F1 Score

Micro-Average All samples equally contribute to average
Macro-Average All classes equally contribute to average
Weighted-Average Each class’ contribution to average is weighted by its size

Macro Average

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Total Macro Average (Recall)} &= \frac{\sum \text{Recall of each class}}{\text{No of classes}} \\ \text{Macro Average of each class (Recall)} &= \text{Recall of that class} \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Total Macro Average (Precision)} &= \frac{\sum \text{Precision of each class}}{\text{No of classes}} \\ \text{Macro Average of each class (Precision)} &= \text{Precision of that class} \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Total Macro Average (F1 Score)} &= \frac{\sum \text{F1 Score of each class}}{\text{No of classes}} \\ \text{Macro Average of each class (F1 Score)} &= \text{F1 Score of that class} \end{aligned} \]

Weighted Average

\[ \begin{aligned} &\text{Weighted Average (Recall)} \\ &= \frac{ \sum \Big( \text{Recall of each class} \times \text{Support of each class} \Big) }{\text{Size of sample}} \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} &\text{Weighted Average (Precision)} \\ &= \frac{ \sum \Big( \text{Precision of each class} \times \text{Support of each class} \Big) }{\text{Size of sample}} \end{aligned} \]
\[ \begin{aligned} &\text{Weighted Average (F1 Score)} \\ &= \frac{ \sum \Big( \text{F1 Score of each class} \times \text{Support of each class} \Big) }{\text{Size of sample}} \end{aligned} \]

Summary Statistics

Don’t just look at the mean evaluation metric of the multiple splits

Also use standard deviation & standard error to also get the uncertainty associated with the validation process.

Residual Analysis

Numerical Graphical Plots
Random residuals Normality test Q-Q Plot of \(u_i\)
Histogram for \(u_i\)
No explained systematic component - No relationship between error and independent variables
- If there is correlation, \(\exists\) unexplained system component
\(\text{Cov}(u_i, x_i) = 0; \text{Cov}(u_i^2, x_i) = 0\) : No covariance/correlation between \(u_i\) and \(x_i\)
, and \(u_i^2\) and \(x_i\)
Line graph: \(u_i\) vs \(x_i\)
Line graph: \(u_i^2\) vs \(x_i\)
Line graph: \(u_i\) vs \(y_i\)
Line graph: \(u_i^2\) vs \(y_i\)
Goodness of fit - MLE Percentiles
- Kolmogorov Smirnov

Perform all the plots for train and validation data


  • Series of \(u_i\) are random

  • \(E(u_i | x_i) = 0\)

    1. Symmetric distribution for values of error terms for a given value \(x\)
    2. Not over time/different values of \(x\)
    3. This means that
    4. you have used up all the possible factors
    5. \(u_i\) only contains the non-systematic component
  • Homoscedascity of variance

    1. \(\text{var}(u_i | x_i) = \sigma^2 (u_i|x_i) = \text{constant}\) should be same \(\forall i\)
    2. For the Variance of distribution of potential outcomes, the range of distribution stays same over time
    3. \(\sigma^2 (x) = \sigma^2(x-\bar x)\)

    else, the variable is volatile; hard to predict; we cannot use OLS

    • if variance decreases, value of \(y\) is more reliable as training data
    • if variance increases, value of \(y\) is less reliable as training data
    • We use volatility modelling (calculating variance) to predict the pattern in variance

Why is this important?

For eg: Running OLS on Anscombe’s quartet gives

  • same curve fit for all
  • Same \(R^2\) for all

But clearly it is not optimal


which is shown in the residual plot


Log Likelihood

def ll(X, y, pred):
    # return log likelihood

        mse = np.mean(
      (y - pred)

    n = float(X.shape[0])
    n_2 = n/2

    return -n_2*np.log(2*np.pi) - n_2*np.log(mse) - n_2

def aic(X, y, pred):
    p = X.shape[1]

    return -2*ll(X, y, pred) + 2*p

print(aic(X, y, pred))

Evaluation Curves

Related to Interpretation

Always look at all curves with uncertainties wrt each epoch, train, hyper-parameter value. The uncertainty of the train set and test set should also be similar. If train set metric uncertainty is small and test set metric uncertainty is large, this is bad even if the average loss metric is same

Learning Loss Validation
Loss vs Train Size Epochs Hyper-parameter value
Comment Train Error increases with train size, because model overfits small train datasets
Purpose: Detect Bias
Utility of adding more data
Optimization problems
Model Complexity
Optimal Hyperparameters
No retraining ❌ ✅ ❌
No extra computation ❌ ✅ ❌

Learning Curve

Conclusion Adding more data will help Comment
image-20240409104640019 High Bias
❌ Model can’t fit larger datasets
image-20240409104925429 High Variance
image-20240409105039243 High Bias
High Variance

Loss Curve




Same Model, Variable Learning Rate





Phase Hessian Mode Connectivity Model Similarity Treatment
1 Large -ve Low Larger network
2 Large +ve Low Smaller learning rate
3 Small -ve Low Larger network
4-A Small \(\approx 0\) Low Increase train size
4-B Small \(\approx 0\) High âś…
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
