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Stage after deploying the model to work with live data

Refer to


Type Meaning Identification Solution
Concept Drift
Data Drift Train & Test data not from same distribution Adversarial Validation Anomaly Detection

Adversarial Validation

Create a new feature in the dataset as “Set”, which signifies if the data belongs to training/test set

Train a classifier to predict which set

ROC-AUC signifies how accurately the classifier can distinguish between the sets. Higher values \(\ge 0.8\) imply that Train & Test data not from same distribution.

Deployment Checklist

  • Realtime or batch training
  • Cloud vs Edge/Browser
  • Computer resources (CPU/GPU/Memory)
  • Latency, throughput (QPS)
  • Logging
  • Security & Privacy

Scenarios of Deployment

  • New product/capability
  • Automate/assist with manual task
  • Replace previous ML system

Types of Deployment

Canary Roll out to small fraction of traffic initially
Monitor system and ramp up traffic gradually
Blue-Green Fully deploy new version (green)
Keep old model dormant, and rollback to it if required (blue)

Degrees of Automation

Shadow Mode
AI Assistance
Partial Automation
Full automation


  • Brainstorm potential problems
  • Brainstorm appropriate metrics to identify the problems
  • Software Metrics
    • Memory
    • Compute
    • Latency
    • Throughput
    • Server load
  • Input Metrics
    • Average Input length
    • Fraction of rows with missing values
    • Average image brightness
  • Output metrics
    • Missing outputs
    • No of times user redoes search
    • CTR (ClickThrough Rate): No of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad

Model Serving


Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
