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26 Bayesian Learning

Bayes’ Theorem

\[ \underbrace{P(\theta | y)}_{\mathclap{\text{Posterior Distribution} \qquad}} = \frac{ \overbrace{P(y|\theta)}^{\mathclap{\text{Likelihood Function}\qquad \quad }} \times \overbrace{P(\theta)}^{\mathclap{\qquad \quad \text{Prior Distribution}}} }{ \underbrace{P(y)}_{\mathclap{\qquad \text{Normalizing constant}}} } \]
Maximum Likelihood the hypothesis (or class) that best explains the training data \(h_\text{ML} = \underset{h_i \in H}{\arg \max} \ P(D \vert h_i)\)
Maximum A Posteriori Probability \(h_\text{MAP} = something\)

\(\arg \max\) is like maximum of a list


We need to calculate a lot of probabilities

Bayes Optimal Classifier

Given new instance \(x\)

Consider \(v=\{v_1, v_2 \}=\{\oplus, \ominus \}\)

The optimal classifier is given by

\[ \underset{v_j \in V}{\arg \max} \sum_{h_i \in H} \textcolor{hotpink}{P(v_j | h_i)} \ P(h_i | D) \]


Very costly to implement. We need to calculate a lot of probabilities

Gibbs Algorithm

Consider we have multiple independent hypotheses

  1. Choose one hypothesis at random, according to \(P(h|D)\)
  2. Use this to classify new instance


Lower accuracy

One more point in slide

Naive Bayes

Already taught

Bayesian Belief Network



Bayesian Classifier

Called as ‘Naive’ classifier, due to following assumptions

  • Empirically-proven
  • Scales very well

Bayesian Rule

\[ P(C | X) = \frac{ P(X|C) \times P(C) }{ P(X) } \]

Posterior depends on

  • Likelihood
  • Prior
\[ \text{Posterior} = \frac{ something }{ something } \]

MAP Rule

M**aximum **A **P**osterior

Helps us decide the class during test phase

Assign \(x\) to \(c^*\) if \(P(C=c^* | X=x) > P(C=c|X=x)\)

Naive Bayes Classification

Calculate posterior probability, based on assumption that all input attributes are conditionally-independent


  1. Doesn’t work for continuous independent variable
  2. We need to use Gaussian Classifier
  3. Violation of Independence Assumption
  4. Zero outlook
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
