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Time Series Modelling

For all the following models

  • The variable has to be stationary model
    • Else, use non-stationary \(\to\) stationary transformation
  • We drop parameters if they are significantly equal to 0

Forecasting Types

Single-Step Forecasting

Multi-Step Forecasting

Rather than building a model for each step, you can define the model as

\[ \Delta^d y_{t+h} = f(h) + \sum_{i=1}^p \alpha_i \Delta^d y_{t-1} + \sum_{i=1}^q \beta_i u_{t-1} + u_t \]


  • \(h\) is the horizon
  • \(f(h)\) is the captured mapping for \(h\). You may have to perform binary encoding (such as one-hot, etc).

Forecast Confidence Interval

It shows the range upto which the forecast is expected to deviate

\[ \text{CI }{y_{t+h}} = \hat y_{t+h} \pm h \sigma_{y+h} \]

If standard deviation remains constant across all time points, \(\sigma_{y+h} = \sigma_y\)


If the correlogram of error term wrt previous lags has Accepted? Reason
all bars inside the marked lines \(u_t\) has no auto-correlation
one/more bars outside marked lines \(u_t\) has auto-correlation

Simple/Baseline Models

Method \(\hat y_{t+h}, \ h>=0\) Appropriate for
Average Average of past values \(\overline{ \{ y_{t-k} \} }\)
Naive Last value \(y_{t-1}\) Random walk process
(Consequence of efficient market hypothesis)
Seasonal Naive Last seasonal value \({\large y}_{t+h-mk}\)
where \(m=\) seasonal period
Drift Method Last value plus average change
Equivalent to extrapolating line between first and last point
\({\large y}_{t-1} + \overline{ \{ y_t - y_{t-1} \} }\)

Where \(k > 0\)

Simulation Models

We do not use the observed values of the process as inputs

Preferred for long-term forecasts


  1. Simple & Intuitive
  2. Non-parametric
  3. Easy to aggregate


  1. Needs lots of data for good sample
  2. Assumption required for new products
  3. Assumes stationarity

Synthetic Data Generation using Gaussian Copula

You can use the below property to generate data similar to your original data $$ R \Alpha^{½} E \sim N(0, \Sigma) $$

  • \(R\) is an \(n \times 1\) random normal vector
  • \(\Alpha^{1/2}\) is an \(n \times n\) diagonal matrix with square roots of eigen values
  • \(E\) is matrix of Eigen vectors
  • \(\Sigma\) is covariance matrix of \(X\)

ETS Model

Errors, Trend, Seasonality

\[ \hat y_t = f(t, S, u_t) \]

Monte-Carlo Simulation

Allows us to model the random component of a process; can be used along with an existing model for systematic component

System needs to describable in terms of pdf

\[ \hat y_t = f(\hat y_{t-1}, u_t) \]

FIR Model

Only using input features

\[ \hat y_t = f(X_{t-k}, u_t) \]

\(k\) is the no of lagged input features

Output Error Model/Recursive Forecasting

FIR model using past estimations also. Ideally you should develop a model for this (infinite-step forecasting), and then work on using the same model for multi-step forecasting.

\[ y_t = \sum_{i=p} \hat y_{t-i} +\sum_{i=\textcolor{hotpink}{0}} \hat X_{t-k} + u_t \]

State Space Models

Kalman Filter


Generalized method of moments

Find relationship b/w moments of random variables

Yule-Walker estimates

Further Reading

Forecasting Principles Practice

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
