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Neo Liberalism Development Theory

Unregulated capitalist system with set of economic policies that limit restrictions on manufacturing and reduces barriers to commerce, reduce tariffs and free trade


  • Rule of market, regardless of any social harm or market failure
  • Deregulation: Limit govt regulation on anything that will reduce safety of jobs and profits
  • Minimum Govt Intervention: “Minimum Government, Max Governance”
  • Reduce subsidy on Goods and Services
  • Encouraged Foreign Collaborations
  • New Industrial, Trade and Tax Policy

  • Individual freedoms and responsibility: Meritocracy

  • Privatization
  • Market Society, on top of Market Economy
  • Import technology


  • Misguided free market approach to public services
  • Monopoly
  • Increased financial instability
  • Inequality
  • New economic colonization: Debt Traps



  • Improved efficiency
  • Sense of responsibliltiy
  • Scientific management
  • Reduction in political interference
  • Encouragement of new innovations


  • Lack of social welfare
  • Class struggle
  • Increased inequality
  • Increased unemployment
  • Exploitation of weaker section

Due to the above, increased crime and/or violence

What is good governance?

Case Studies

Market Failure Bhopal Gas Tragedy
Coca-Cola Adoption in India
Govt Intervention BP Oil Spill
Economic Colonization China Debt Trap on African countries, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
