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Deliberate variation of one/more process variables while observing effect on one/more response variables

Experimental Design

  • Maximize information gain
  • Minimize resources (time and cost)

DOE is a procedure to plan experiments to efficiently provide valid conclusions

Does the experiment have enough statistical power to answer research questions?

Types of input variables

Controlled Variation + repeats/replication experiments in a systematic way
Uncontrolled & observed - Blocking: group experiments into blocks, each having a fixed value of the variable
- Analysis of covariance: Model impact of variable, and then subtract it out
Uncontrolled & unobserved Randomization: Impact of variable averages out to 0

Nuisance inputs: Inputs that we don’t care about, but affect the output

Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
