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03 idk

Experiment Pointers

  • Always perform experiment with both trial & control samples

  • Always get the raw data; processing should be done by analyst, not data providers

  • Every data point should have central tendency & uncertainty associated

  • Incorporate all potential uncertainty associated with collecting the data & use Uncertainty Propagation
  • Preferably use robust summary statistics such as median and IQR, rather than mean & variance
  • Every data point fed to model should be iid observation


Data Template

For Collection

Type Category_ID Subcategory_ID Reading_ID Value
Control Product A Sample 1 1 x
Control Product A Sample 1 2 x
Control Product A Sample 1 3 x
Control Product A Sample 2 1 x
Control Product A Sample 2 2 x
Control Product A Sample 2 3 x
Control Product B Sample 1 1 x
Control Product B Sample 1 2 x
Control Product B Sample 1 3 x
Control Product B Sample 2 1 x
Control Product B Sample 2 2 x
Control Product B Sample 2 3 x

For Modelling

We cannot use the collection data directly for modelling as each row is not iid observation. Hence aggregation is required to obtain the central tendency & uncertainty for each iid observation.

Type Category_ID Subcategory_ID Central Tendency
Control Product A Sample 1 x x
Control Product A Sample 2 x x
Control Product B Sample 1 x x
Control Product B Sample 2 x x
Last Updated: 2024-05-12 ; Contributors: AhmedThahir
